ServiceNow Software Asset Management is an implication of the methodology for tracking and monitoring the associated entitlements that were purchased or in use and it corresponds to the existing allocation of these entitlements to the Users/devices. The new age of ServiceNow has an alternate approach to dealing with the integrated mechanism of calculating software consumption.

The device-based consumption can easily be trekked through the ServiceNow Discovery, and on the other hand, the user- based subscriptions can be evaluated through publisher-wise available integration modules.

Software Asset Management helps to better manage your software installs with improve capability along with a more user friendly and intuitive approach.

Enhanced Discovery and Inventory with AI-Driven Insights

The ServiceNow Discovery can identify the CIs which are available globally in the Network. The Discovery probes and the environment in which the asset exist helps to pull the data in the CMBD CI table corresponding to it. The data is also recorded in the child table.

ServiceNow Software Asset Management offers an enhanced Discovery methodology to map on-prem and cloud-based device allocations. It allows you to continuously monitor infrastructure assets to identify resources and take appropriate actions to save money and optimize operations.

In sync with Discovery results, the asset management application’s user interface provides more user-friendly approach towards identifying and helping to better manage your hardware installations. In succession, the Discovery also allows to mark an impression of the installed software on on-prem/cloud-based subscriptions.
For information, Read Empower Your Enterprise with the Power of ServiceNow Discovery

Proactive License Optimization and Compliance Auditing

ServiceNow SAM provides Software Asset Workspace which can exhibit the license positioning available in the organization. It has publisher and/or product-wise capability to show the license positioning. In ServiceNow Software Asset Management, the license count with respect to the entitlement is categorized under license owned, license required, and license available:

  • Where the license owned contains the count of licenses for which the entitlement is created.
  • The license required shows the count of licenses that were used, basis the Discovery has identified the license consumption, or the integration mechanism has pulled the license count in the subscription table.
  • License available shows the difference count of licenses which is the count of licenses owned, and the licenses required. If it shows a positive value, then the product license status is shown as compliant, and if it has a negative count, then the product license status results in non-compliance.

The Software Asset Analytics Dashboard allows you to view acquisition cost and license compliance positions. It also offers removal summary charts with an integration along with Performance Analytics. Using the chart, you can filter by publisher and product to find important statistics about the software being tracked.

ServiceNow SAM for Reducing Costs with Intelligent Usage Analytics

Based on the calculation available in ServiceNow on the license operations and the license positioning, ServiceNow SAM optimizes the cost reduction by providing a true-up cost mechanism. It also offers a software remediation approach towards releasing the license usage, if it is not required.

The Software Asset Analytics view in the Software Asset Workspace enables you to track your performance and investigate the analytics for forecasting.
For information, Read Cut Software Licensing Costs: How to Optimize with ServiceNow SAM

The asset analytics offers to evaluate your performance related to:

  • Total spend
  • Potential Saving
  • Actual Saving to date
  • True-up cost
  • Over-licensed amount and more

The software asset analytics gives a clear insight on:

  • Subscription spending by cost centres
  • Stale subscriptions by instance
  • Potential saving by instance

It also offers the consumption analysis, including the consumption summary along with licenses owned, total cost, licenses required, and licenses remaining details.

Integrated Lifecycle Management for End-to-End Asset Control

The entire Software Asset Workspace has an integrated lifecycle management1 to review and track the end-of-life software products in ServiceNow SAM. This helps us to reduce risk associated with software products eligible for end-of-life in the current or the near time.

The lifecycle management dashboard provides:

  • Product lifecycle overview with categories: general availability, end of support, end of life, and end of extended support.
  • It allows us to keep a check on current and past end-of-life product lifecycles.
  • It also offers to have a look at upcoming end-of-life products in the next 18 months or current and past end-of-lifecycles reports.
  1. Finally, it offers end-of-life workflow action to take place.

Trekking product life cycles enables us to manage and forecast software products that are reaching end-of-life, end-of-support, or end-of-extended-support. The Software ServiceNow SAM Asset Dashboards provide a criterion where you can filter reports based on publisher or product, and hence, the further extraction of the report offers more information corresponding to the product life cycle.

ServiceNow SAM for Vendor and Contract Integration

ServiceNow offers Software Asset Management to assign the vendor and the contract integration directly from the vendor portals. Contract management offers important actions to manage your contract and its expenditure, and it also provides a list of expiring contracts.

The Contract Management Overview helps us to generate a report on:

  • Contract expenditure by type
  • Contract expenditure by vendor
  • Shows the list of expiring contracts

Software Asset Workspace offers a renewal calendar to view entitlements that are approaching their expiration date, and it also gives an insight into the contracts that are approaching their expiration date or which were already expired.

The renewal calendar offers a view showing upcoming and expired renewals:

  • It offers calendar and list view of contracts and permissions.
  • Details about contracts and permissions in the calendar view.



The ServiceNow SAM offers a crystal-clear implication of the cost optimization associated with ServiceNow's capability to transform. Software Asset Workspace offers an intuitive approach to managing software licenses, understanding the software license position, and providing the industry's best approach toward cost optimization. Software Asset Workspace offers multiple views to provide:

  • Visibility into your software assets.
  • It allows you to create an entitlement and software models.
  • It provides access to analytics via available KPI reports.
  • It allows us to remediate non-compliance software.

Ready to optimize your IT operations with ServiceNow Software Asset Management? Contact inMorphis and discover how ServiceNow can drive business value for your organization!